Every time I leave my house something exciting happens. I went with some of my best girls to Market Square tonight to celebrate biscuits. I didn't eat any biscuits or see any biscuits but everyone else there was very excited about something called a "Biscuit Festival". I'm not sure where it happened because I did not see any sign of a biscuit, not one crumb...not a pat of butter, a drop of jelly, or any sign of a honey bear anywhere! We went to see Leanne Morgan at The Square Room. I had never seen/heard her before, she is a very southern, very funny, local comedian. http://www.leannemorgan.com/ She lives in Farragut with her family and tells funny stories about being a wife and a mom. We were by far the youngest people there but I think we were probably having the best time. Leanne has been on Paula Deen and Dr. Phil (maybe some other things, but those are the ones I know about). If you have a chance to see her GO!
Something very exciting happened while I was out. WE CAUGHT A RACCOON!!!!! Yes, that's right, I won't hear scratching in my sleep for much longer, we have a prisoner.I realize I should be very excited about this. I realize that this could be a wonderful sign...Drew my good buddy who came from TruTech to catch my little friend said that if we didn't catch a raccoon this weekend that it could a family of raccoons, in which case they would not be caught by traps but be evicted with "eviction paste" and simply run away. I didn't want the raccoons to just leave my house, because everything I have read says if they aren't caught they could come back. So you see I should be ecstatic about having a raccoon in a cage in my backyard until the end of the weekend.

I received a text/photo from Seth while I was out to inform me that we had a prisoner in our backyard and we all cheered and got very excited about the unwanted visitor. When I got home I ran in the house, threw down my purse and darted outside to have a talk with this rodent. I told him/her all about how upset I was about him being there and how glad I was he was going to be gone, then I saw him shaking. He wasn't mean or hateful, he didn't bear his teeth or growl at me he just looked terrified. Then I cried. I apologized (yes, out loud to a raccoon) and felt very sad about the fate of our unwanted visitor. After all, he just needed a place to stay. Don't worry I'm not joining PETA or anything I just feel bad for little Rascal .
Drew will be back Monday to check for baby raccoons and to take everything he finds away. I think I'll tell him its OK if he lets Rascal live. I can't control what he does with him, but he did want to know if he found something what I wanted him to do. I honestly wanted all animals found in my attic destroyed upon sight, now I don't know.
O.K. so I wrote a book tonight, SORRY! I have one last piece of good news to share with you. Seth put the ceiling back together tonight!!!!! My husband is as handy as a pocket on a shirt, not only can he take apart the ceiling but he can put it back together AND look so cute at the same time.
Aw I feel bad for you having feelings for the raccoon. It's prob. trying to trick you! But now I'm kinda sad for it too. But better outside than in. We are trying to catch mice but they are tricky and keep stealing the peanut butter off the trap and not getting trapped. Glad someone else has a problem with run-on sentences. Not that I noticed yours but I notice mine and then don't care enough to fix them. I'm cracking up about the biscuits. As a preg. woman I would be very upset if I started looking forward to eating a biscuit and then there were none to be found at a BISCUIT FESTIVAL! I've never seen Leanne Morgan's stand-up but have heard of her. Her husband works for Clayton and they were sitting across from me on the tram back to my room in Hawaii. She was talking and talking about boots with such a Southern accent I couldn't help but notice her and then realized I sort of knew who she was. Have a soft spot for her b/c they gave up their spot on the elevator to let me on. She yelled, "Let her through. She's with child!" :)